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“One of the marvelous things about community is that, it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals.”

– Jean Vanier

What is Herveda Commons?

Herveda Commons is an initiative of Herveda Botanicals to bring together Nepali entrepreneurs who have created brands in an innovative way, with an emphasis on using local raw materials, human resource, and traditional and indigenous knowledge. The idea is to introduce the uniqueness of Nepal in local and global markets through ‘products with Nepali stories’. 


Why Herveda Commons? 

More often than not, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face similar challenges that span from supply chain to market access. Herveda Commons seeks to become a platform where various SME-holders can meet, collaborate and share a common space together in their journey of innovation, identity and impact. Herveda Botanicals have faced these challenges as a small company seeking to innovate and create an impact over the last several years. We believe that this journey will be a lot more fun and adventurous if all of us in the ecosystem come together and take collective actions for collective identity and impact


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